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Thursday, August 20, 2009


By E-mail
Date: Sat, 08 Aug 2009 03:25:05 +0700
From: Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon khelafat@dhaka.net
Subject: Jewish point of view for consideration

Friday, 08 Aug.2009

HRH. King Abdulllah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud
H.E.Chief Rabbi David Rosen
H.H. Pope Benedict XVI
H.H.Grand Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei
HRH King Abdullah
Palestine Embassy

H.E. President Barack Obama
H.E President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
To Whom It May Concern


Assalamu Alaykum.

One of our Jewish contacts Dr. Richard L. Benkin has sent following comment to our Facebook wall:

Richard Benkin
There cannot be true ME peace talks until these realities are admitted and dealt with. Without it, we will continue to have the phony slogans and pretend peace talks that never bring peace.

That is only one reason why the Arab adamant refusal to accept Israel as a Jewish State is so critical.

By the way, Arabs and Muslims have full citizenship rights in Israel, serve in the Parliament (Knesset), Supreme Court, etc. Jews--BY LAW--are prohibited from living in Jordan or in a future Palestinian State.

During the Arab occupation of the "West Bank" and Jerusalem, Jews were prohibited from going to their holiest religious sites. Many Jewish sites and institutions were destroyed by the Arabs. But that has never been the case for any religion under Israeli hegemony.

Until there is reciprocity--which the Arabs will not even discuss, as we have seen again this week--there can be no peace talks that will succeed.
Wed at 6:28pm

We think, Israel should agree Right of Return for the Palestinians while Arab states in the former Palestinian territory i.e. Jordan and proposed State of Palestine should make provision for granting citizenship to peaceful Jews who make commitment to obey the constitution and the law of the concerned state.

Communists, Atheists and Seculars can not be and should not be trusted to be in the ruling elite of the Holy Land.

An independent City State Jerusalem should be created and administered jointly by the friendly and pious religious clergies of Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

Kazi Azizul Huq
International Affairs Secretary

From: Faik Hamza < >
To: Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon < >,
Subject: RE: Jewish point of view for consideration
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 06:33:01 +0000

Dr. Richard L. Benkin as all the Zionist leaders in Israel and rest of the world are not admitting the rights of the Palestinian people to return to their homes and are not ready to confess their crimes against humanity. Which they have committed through out the time since 1897 when their first congress decided to establish a home for themselves on the soil of Palestine.

The Jewish people in Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan ware living peacefully at these countries till the terrorist of Zion started killing them to force them emigrate to Israel and till now they are living at these countries with their full rights guaranteed

but maybe Dr. Richard do not know that the Jewish state do not allow the people even from reaching the Mosques for praying, as every Friday thousand of Muslims are not allowed to reach Al Bitu al-Mukkadas for Juma prayer not only that but the people are not allowed o reach their schools, Universities or the hospitals they are not allow to move freely at their home towns and often are beaten arrested or humiliated by the Israeli occupation forces lately the Israeli want the Palestinian to recognize it as a Jewish state. We did not force the Jewish to recognize Palestine as a Muslim country and still we welcome any Jewish who wish to live with us in peace the way how we ware living together before 1948.

I assure Dr. Richard that sooner or later, he and the people like him. will be forced to admit their crimes , since we Muslim, Christians and Jewish Palestinians together we will be able to regain our rights and return to our home to build our independent state of Palestine, with Al Quds as its capital under the full control of the Palestinians who over they are without any foreign interference.

From: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin" < >
To: "Faik Hamza" < >,
Subject: Re: Jewish point of view for consideration
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 06:43:07 -0500

Faik Hamza is providing all of you with falsehoods and disinformation. Slander is the stock in trade of he and his ilk. Those who listen to it do so at the expense of justice and our future.

Dr. Richard L. Benkin

From: Faik Hamza
To: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin"
Subject: RE: Jewish point of view for consideration
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 15:09:39 +0000

Do the Dr knows what justice really is

From: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin" < >
To: "Faik Hamza" < >,
Subject: Re: Jewish point of view for consideration
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 10:24:26 -0500

Hamza damns himself as a supremacist who seeks the death of all faiths except his. He is the best advertisement for why he and his ilk are a scourge on humanity.

Dr. Richard L. Benkin

Date: Sun, 09 Aug 2009 23:41:18 +0700
To: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin" < >
From: Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon < >
Subject: Confidential
Cc: kahuq@dhaka.net

Dear Brother Richard,

Assalamu Alaykum.

I am copying hereunder a part of our 2007 correspondences in which there are 2 mails from Mr. Hamza dtd 1 Aug.2007 and 2 Aug.2007.

Best regards.


From: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin" < >
To: "Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon" < >
Cc: kahuq@dhaka.net
Subject: Re: Confidential
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 12:06:45 -0500

Dear Brother Huq,

Shalom Aleichem.

This the difference between you and Hamza. I would bet everything I have, as well, that you are a more devout follower of the Prophet Mohammed and his faith, Islam.

Were more people like you, the conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere would have ended long ago. I think always about our statement to "agree to disagree." And that is why I defend our relationship and defend you even against people who otherwise are allies of mine. You know I will always stand on my beliefs, regardless of who opposes me; and I believe strongly that you are a good man, an honest man, and a devout man. Enmity of others cannot tear us asunder.

Among civilized individuals, there always will be disagreements and differences in specific goals and positions. You, sir, carry your beliefs and values within the context of a civil society whereby we utilized the same legitimate means to achieve our goals and respect the will of the people, win or lose, within the confines of civil society and protection of minorities as well as the majority.

Hamza also confirms in his email to you that the goal of the Palestinian Authority and its constituent organizations is NOT peace with Israel but the destruction of Israel. Under such circumstance, they cannot be an honest peace partner; the consequences to their people is and have been their doing.

Brother Richard Benkin
Dr. Richard L. Benkin

From: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin" < >
To: "K A Huq" < >
Subject: Fw: Jewish point of view for consideration
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:29:07 -0500

Brother, please look at this email string between Hamza and me. Does he have an official position with the Palestinian Authority?

Dr. Richard L. Benkin

----- Original Message -----
From: Faik Hamza
To: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin"
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 8:32 PM
Subject: RE: Jewish point of view for consideration

look our olders gave us the truth about what happened to them 1948 on the hands of the Jews

sure we are obedient, and thats why we are here today a step or maybe two away from regain of what our

fathers and grand fathers lost, what u said about Arabs is not true, maybe for some reasons our leaders right now like to shake hands with their enemy, but be sure thats will not remain for long, the time of cleaning the ignorants as well as you occupiers of Palestine is coming, give damn shit to what that Muslim from India said, the fact is we know who is who, and later on u will discover Dr. that simply you are going to sink in your full of shit, u seem to be so ignorant, you better read the history and learn before its to late Dr.

From: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin"
To: Faik Hamza
Subject: Re: Jewish point of view for consideration
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 06:04:19 -0500

Now you are simply full of shit.
As has always been the case for the Arabs, you are more interested in propaganda than truth.

And that is why the Arab people are degraded, ignorant, subject to corrupt governments that do not serve their interests, militarily weak, and sporting the highest levels of unemployment and other social ills in the world. At the end of the 20th century, the United Nations and various experts wrote extensively about how democracy and freedom made huge gains in the century--huge gains everywhere--except the Arab world.

I had a debate with a Muslim (not an Arab) journalist in Northern India earlier this year. He said that "every Muslim knows" that the international media is controlled by seven Jews. "Really, I said. Who are they?" And so he named Rupert Murdoch--who is not Jewish and I told him so. "Who else?" I asked. He named Ted Turner of CNN---also not Jewish. But, this man who is one of the disseminators of information, said, every Muslim is taught this and believes it. You would rather keep your children ignorant and obedient than give them the truth, and that is why you always will be complaining about your condition and blame someone else for it.

Dr. Richard L. Benkin

----- Original Message -----
From: Faik Hamza
To: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin"
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 11:11 PM
Subject: RE: Jewish point of view for consideration

The option of Uganda was never rejected but adapted, for some reasons related to the reality on the ground, since the Jews can not reach in there so eazy, while Palestine was the eazyer as it was under GB mandate, the Jews shifted to the option of Palestine the matter was never related to your prayer of return to Al Quds or Zion more than finding home for the Jewish people, could you tel me you Dr. Richard ware ever you are, or ware ever your birth have taking place, could you tel me what relate you to Palestine, who , from your forth generations was there, why do not you feel great to be as you are now USA, GB or ware ever you are citizen.

look at you, you could not say the names of the north palestine cities correctly they are HIFA, YAFA and AKKA , and yes I still beleive that there is place for the Jewish people in Palestine, they can live with us on equal footing, the way we lived together before 1948, we can co exsist in peace and harmony, but how could this happen, while still you insist to deny me my rights to go back and return to my home.

From: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin"
To: Faik Hamza
Subject: Re: Jewish point of view for consideration
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 05:18:22 -0500

No, we never prayed to go to Uganda. Always our prayers have been to return to Jerusalem and Zion. Uganda was suggested by some people but rejected by Jews because it is not our ancestral homeland.

So you mention "North Palestine" and the cities of Haifa, Yaffo, Acco. So, do you accept that you can reach peace with a state of Israel? That Israel can continue to exist? Or do you insist that those cities and others be part of a Palestinian state?

Dr. Richard L. Benkin

----- Original Message -----
From: Faik Hamza
To: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin"
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 8:38 PM
Subject: RE: Jewish point of view for consideration

Well, here Dr. Richard talking about the promised land. Will Dr. Richard give us some information about the option discussed by the said congress to establish the Jewish state at Uganda, how can prayer for centuries to return to the homeland at Palestine given second option of Uganda, did u ever pray to go back to Uganda in Africa? We Palestinian refugees victims of the victims, never prayed to go any where, but to return to our homeland the soil of Palestine, and the most important we are not demanding to return to Gaza or West Bank, though these are parts of Palestine, but to our homes at north of Palestine, at Hifa, Yafa, Aka and Tabaria in the heart of what you have established temporary.

From: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin"
To: Faik Hamza
Subject: Re: Jewish point of view for consideration
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 05:29:05 -0500

By the way, earlier in this email chain, you said, that Jews had to confess their "crimes against humanity. which they have committed through out the time since 1897 when their first congress decided to establish a home for themselves on the soil of Palestine." You are incorrect about the year. We Jews have wanted to return to our ancestral homeland in Jerusalem and Israel for centuries upon centuries. We pray for it every week on our Shabbat, many times yearly during our many religious holidays; always we prayed to return to Jerusalem and Zion; many centuries even before the Zionist Conference in 1897. And we still do. It is in our Jewish religious worship and has always been so.

Dr. Richard L. Benkin

----- Original Message -----
From: Faik Hamza
To: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin"
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 12:22 AM
Subject: RE: Jewish point of view for consideration

why do you take it this way, say i hate been made refugee by Jews, I hate been denied return to my home by Jews and you stop this old new accusations against any one who stand against your injustice, why do you run away by accusing me i hate Jews or I am anti Semitic


From: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin"
To: Faik Hamza
Subject: Re: Jewish point of view for consideration
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 20:40:29 -0500
So you hate Jews?

Dr. Richard L. Benkin

----- Original Message -----
From: Faik Hamza
To: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin"
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 8:27 PM
Subject: RE: Jewish point of view for consideration

Damns you Dr. , I do seek justice, I do seek to return to my father's home, is that a scourge on humanity, I do not stop, but i demand the right of Jewish people to return to their homes. not in Palestine, but the places where they ware brought from. Do the Dr. think that Israel protecting humanity by denying the rights of over 4000000 Palestinian refugees or by giving away their belonging to settlers. I think for the Dr. to be human u must admit to the crimes of the Jewish people you must supporting them so they can achieve their dream of great Israel, and then even there will be no Jordan, Syria or Iraq, but only one state of the chosen people of God.

hey Dr. stop misguiding the world, the world today is not blind of what are you doing daily of great deal of killing non-Jewish.

the world today is no more misguided by your fabricated allegations of been or ware the victims what are you doing today in Palestine is clear your not the victims but the killers of the humanity

Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 16:41:49 +0700
To: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin" < >, "Mr.Faik Hamza" < >
From: K A Huq < >
Subject: Re: Fw: Jewish point of view for consideration
Cc: "H.E.Chief Rabbi David Rosen" < >,
"HRH King Abdulllah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud"< >,
"H.E.Seyed Ali Khamenei"< >

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

DHAKA, Sunday, 16 August 2009.

To: Dr. Richard L. Benkin and Mr. Faik Hamza

H.E.Chief Rabbi David Rosen, KCSG, Israel.
H.R.H. King Abdulllah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, KSA.
H.E.Grand Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Iran.
To Whom It May Concern

Dear Brothers Richard and Hamza,
Assalamu Alaykum.

1. After receipt of Brother Richard Benkin's mail I talked in detail to Brother Faik Hamza.

2. The purpose of our Dialogue has been reduction of anger and tension and promotion of constructive engagement for peace and justice.

3. Now I think that the correspondence between my two brothers i.e. Dr. Richard Benkin and Mr. Faik Hamza have to be temporarily postponed until both are agreed to disagree and continue constructive dialogue for Peace and Justice.

On 2nd September 2001 we sent a letter to the then Israeli President H.E. Mr. Moshe Katsav. In that letter we wrote:-

I call you my brother, because we believe in the Prophethood of Hazrat Moses Alaihissalam which is testified by the Last Prophet of Allah i.e. Hazrat Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Sallallaho Alaihissalam.

We are the closest and the most compassionate kin of Bani Israel. We have learnt form the Last Revealed Scripture of Allah i.e. The Holy Quran, about the inhuman sufferings inflicted on Bani Israel by Pharaoh. We are definitely partisan of Prophet Hazrat Moses Alsihissalam and his pious & obedient followers amongst Bani Israel. We are completely against Pharaoh and the oppressors like Pharaoh whom we treat to be enemies of Allah and of His Prophets.

Allah Says us in the Holy Quran :

" The apostle believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers ; they all believe in Allah and His angels and His books and His apostles ; We make no difference between any of His apostles: and they say : We hear and obey, our Lord ! Thy forgiveness (do we crave) , and to Thee is the end of all journeys."- (The Holy Quran 2 : 285, Sura Baqarah, Verse No.285).

Allah says in the Holy Quran :

"O people ! be careful of (your duty to) your Lord, Who created you from a single being (Adam) and created his mate (Eve) of the same (kind) and spread from these two many men and women ; and be careful of (your duty to ) Allah, by whom you demand one of the another (your rights) , and (to) the ties of relationship ; surely Allah ever watches over you." (The Quran 4:1 Sura Nisa, Verse No.1)

Therefore, all pious Muslims believe in One Allah, His angels, His books, His apostles ; pious Muslims do not make difference between apostles of Allah ; pious Muslims are modest and they beg forgiveness of Allah ; pious Muslims believe that Allah created mankind from a single pair of parents, i.e. Hazrat Adam Aslaihissalam and his wife Hazrat Eve Alaihissalam - thus the mankind is the progeny of Adam and Eve and are related to each other by blood. Pious Muslims do not believe in the atheistic hypothesis of evolution regarding origin of man which propagates the basis of discrimination i.e. man was originated in different races.

Pious Muslims are inherently non-arrogant, modest and compassionate. It is for the sake of Allah only that they sometime become hard. In fact All apostles of Allah and believers including Hazrat Moses Alaihissalam and his pious followers are Muslims. Islam means surrendering to Allah. Muslim means who has surrendered to Allah. Muslims are neither any race nor any tribe nor any ethnic community. Last apostle of Allah i.e. Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Sallallaho Alaihissalam was brotherly and compassionate to the Jewish people. But unfortunately some of his neighboring Jews turned to be the enemies of Allah. He was required by Allah to be hard to the enemies of Allah.

Divine Revelation in Sura Maidah (V) of the Holy Quran :-

" Verse - 20. And when Musa said to his people : O my people ! remember the favor of Allah upon you when He raised prophets among you and made you kings and gave you what He had not given to any other among the nations. "

" Verse - 21. O my people ! enter the holy land which Allah has prescribed for you and turn not on your backs for then you will turn back losers."

" Verse - 24. They said : O Musa ! we shall never enter it so long as they are in it; go therefore you and your Lord, then fight you both, surely we will here sit down."

" Verse - 25. He (Musa) said : My Lord ! surely I have no control (upon any) but my own self and my brother ; therefore make a separation between us and the nation of transgressors. " (The Holy Quran, Sura Maidah, Sura No.5 )

Kindly verify above facts from your own sources and Rabbi. The way the State of Israel was created by wiping out indigenous population of Palestine, is not justifiable even in accordance with the principles of the prevailing Western Civilization and its institutions - while the western civilization and its institutions owes largely its existence and promotion to our Jewish brethren. It is a contradiction. It is highly irrational.

Nevertheless, realities on the ground have been accepted by the Palestinians as well as by the neighboring states. Then by what Commandment of the Ten Commandments you are denying the inalienable rights of your Muslim and Christian fellows to have a separate Palestinian homeland ?

Let there be light. Let there be peace. Let again the exalted place of Jerusalem be upheld.

On 16th April 2007 we Re-sent a copy of that letter to American Jewish Committee (AJC).

Honorable Chief Rabbi David Rosen, International Director of Interreligious Affairs of American Jewish Committee (AJC), sent us a reply in which he wrote:

-Twenty per cent of the State of Israel are Arabs ninety per cent of them being Muslims who are full citizens of the State of Israel.

- Israel's Declaration of Independence 1. affirms equality of rights for non-Jews a position energetically defended by the Israeli courts and 2. calls on the Arab states to live in peace with her.

- Israeli leaders called on the Arab population not to leave their homes in the build up and during the fighting of 1948.

-In 1967 Israel sent a letter via the US to King Hussein urging him not to join Egypt and Syria in trying to exterminate Israel. Hussein ignored this warning and lost control of East Jerusalem and the West Bank as a result. Israel did not force Arab residents to flee this was their (misguided) choice (substantially fueled by anti-Jewish propaganda.).

- Israel's first president Chaim Weizman signed a concordat of cooperation with the Emir Feisal as leader of the Arab world in 1919. Most Arab nations ignored this and launched hostilities and then war against Israel which led to the tragedy of Palestinian displaced persons.

These points make it clear that Israel has never sought to wipe out any population in the Holy Land/mandatory Palestine, but has sought and seeks to live in peace with them and guaranteeing that in its own society, all are equal before the law and equality of franchise, regardless of religion or race.

As far as a Palestinian state is concerned, the goal of establishing such ( a two states solution) is the official policy of the State of Israel, for which it withdrew at the time from the territories in the West Bank under the Oslo accords. Unfortunately, Palestinian violence forced Israel to reoccupy much of these. If the Palestinians will recognize Israel and cease violent acts against its citizens, they will gain their legitimate aspiration for a state (which is actually in the interests of the State of Israel as well.)

Blessings from Al Kuds Al Sharifa in the prayer that all who hold Jerusalem dear will be able to enjoy her sanctity and beauty in safety and dignity.

In 2007 the representative of the Palestinian Authority verbally informed us following points to be communicated to our Jewish counterpart :-

Equality of Citizenship in Israel:
It is not true that all citizens irrespective of Jews or Arab Muslims enjoy equal status and opportunities in Israel. Even all Jews are not equal in Israel.

There are 3 classes of Jews in Israel:
(a) Western Jews (European/American) the privileged Class
(b) Eastern Jews (Middle Eastern) the under-privileged Class
(c) Black Jews (African) like the slave Class

Western Jews (from Europe/USA/Canada) enjoy higher status and opportunities in Israel. Eastern Jews and African Jews suffer discrimination.

Arabs generally suffer more severe discrimination and frequent persecution, intimidation and suffocation. Even those Arabs who are in good book of the Jews and have been made Knesset members are not spared from frivolous allegations and charges based on communal suspicion.

Territory and Border of Israel :
On the entrance of Israeli Knesset (Parliament) and on one side of Israeli currency the territory of Israel is shown from the Nile to the Euphrates.

It indicates Israel’s belligerent provocative nature.

Right of Return:
The Jews from anywhere in the world are considered to have the Right of Return to Israel though those Jews or their parents or their grandparents were not inhabitant of that land.

Palestinians who themselves or their parents or their grandparents were inhabitant of that land are denied of the Right of Return.

We duly communicated the same to our Jewish Counterpart in Israel.

Honorable Chief Rabbi David Rosen of Israel sent to us following reply:-

Allow me to express my appreciation for the spirit in which you have initiated and continue this discussion in keeping with the injunctions of the Prophet PBUH, to engage others especially the Peoples of the Book in respectful discourse; and in keeping with his revelation of the Divine injunction "to know one another".

I am also grateful for the opportunity you offer me to dispel distortions, falsehoods and myths, that have become widespread as a result of the poison of politics and propaganda which "blind the eyes of the wise and distorts the words of the just ".

I refer to your points in the order you have numbered them.

1. This allegation reveals great ignorance regarding Israeli politics and society. Not only is there complete equality of franchise for Arabs and Jews whether Sephardic (from the ME, Asia and Africa essentially Muslim lands) or Ashkenazic ( essentially from European lands), but the current President of Israel, the Minister of Defense, the Attorney General, the Chief of Staff (and I could go on) are all Sephardic Jews and the Sephardic religious party, Shas, is currently being "courted" by the candidates for the next presidency, revealing the degree to which it exerts control in Israeli political life.

Moreover my own son-in-law's parents come from Morocco and I certainly do not consider him not our grandchildren to be second class citizens in any way.

I can only conclude that the strange and spurious reference to Black African Jews concerns Jews from Ethiopia (there are of course many black Jews from Yemen and Jews from southern Africa residing in Israel.) It is true that Ethiopian Jews face many difficulties due to the fact that before their return to the Jewish homeland they have lived in a very different and disadvantaged cultural context without the same educational opportunities. However not only is there no institutional discrimination against them, but the State actually allocates additional resources for social and educational services as a means of affirmative action.

The complete falsehood of this allegation about different classes of Jews, should lead you to conclude that the allegations concerning Israel's Arab citizens are similarly as false.

2. There is no emblem of Israel's currency at the Knesset. However there is a pattern on the ten agorot coin (approximately one penny sterling hardly a significant coinage !) that could be seen as a map of the Middle East and may be seen as an allusion to the journeys of our Father Abraham. There is no basis to any claim that the motive behind this outline on the ten agorot coin is belligerent (and as I say, if there would have been any significant motive, it would have made sense to use a more prestigious coin or note! ) However let us for argument's sake allow that the reference intended by this pattern is to indicate that the Divine promise to Abraham Isaac and Jacob as written in the Torah was to inherit the land from the Nile to the Euphrates. Does this imply belligerence ? Judaism like Islam forbids any act of violence against innocents and prohibits theft and robbery of any person. No Divine promise can permit the transgression of God's Law and His moral prohibitions. There are certainly Jews who dream that one day God's promises will be fulfilled, but no decent Jew thinks for one minute that that allows him to wage war against others especially believers in the One God nor God forbid to steal others' property.

The parallel would be if a Muslim country had an outline of a map of the extent of the Caliphate when Muslim rule was at its zenith. Surely that would be a legitimate memorial of the past and even a hope for the future as long as it is not achieved in a manner that shows any disrespect for the life and dignity of another.

3. This is the only point that contains a legitimate criticism. Allow me to explain how Jews see Israel's Law of Return.

Even though we were expelled from our land both by the Babylonians (in 586 BCE) and then by the Romans (70 CE) not only have there always been Jews living in the Holy land, but wherever we have been, we have maintained our fidelity to our relationship with it. It is the only "Qibla" for Jewish prayer. In our daily prayers three times a day and in grace after every meal, we prayed and still pray for our return to the land and its restoration. Our festivals are not only historical festivals but seasonal ones as well (therefore our lunar calendar is synchronized with the solar calendar) in keeping with the seasons in the Holy Land (Jews who live in Argentina for example celebrate the Spring festival in the autumn and pray for rain when it is not appropriate for Argentina, because our liturgy is conditioned by the land.) At the end of a Jewish wedding a glass is broken in remembrance of the destruction of Jerusalem and hope for the return. At the end of the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, the Day of Atonement, and at the end of the Passover meal we declare "next year in Jerusalem."

Accordingly we have always seen ourselves as citizens in potential and the establishment of the State of Israel has enabled us to exercise this "citizenship".

I lament that Palestinians from the Holy Land are not able to enjoy this right as well and the only reason for that is the ongoing conflict and the concomitant security concerns. I pray that these will be resolved, peace will prevail, a Palestinians state will be established; and Palestinians will be able to enjoy the same rights in their state as Jews enjoy in theirs insh'Allah.

I concur with the sentiments of his Excellency and applaud your initiatives. I think that it would also be important for us to come together and bring religious leaders from the Muslim and Jewish worlds to discuss these matters and work on a common plan for justice security and peace for all in the Holy Land.

Then the we received from the representative of the PA copy of resolution of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) which we duly forwarded to our Jewish counterpart in the Dialogue.

Honorable Chief Rabbi David Rosen in his reply wrote:-

With regards to the file from the PA that you sent, I do not claim that every thing that the government of Israel does is right and just indeed, Israeli society is distinguished from those around it precisely by the fact that in a true democracy, people are free to criticize their governments. Not only can you see this in Israeli daily newspapers (e.g. on line at) www.haaretz.com but also in the plethora of civil rights organizations that focus overwhelmingly on Arab/Palestinian human rights (including one that I co-founded called Rabbis for Human Rights.)

However to present a litany of Israel's actions against Palestinians as if this was some kind of intentional brutality is to be disingenuous at best. Attached in response to the file from the PA, is a random compilation of daily threats by Palestinians to Israeli civilians in just the last few months. It is such actions as these that lead to the Israeli military's response which the PA file documented.

I have already addressed his Excellency on the matter of the Holy Sites which are fully protected by the government of Israel and that as far as the Haram Al Sharif is concerned, Jewish religious law prohibits Jews from entering thereon. As far as the Gay Parade is concerned, you will no doubt know that the religious authorities and communities here worked hard successfully to prevent this in the past and even when it was permitted this year, was restricted to areas far from any religious site (and far from the Old City.)

As far as libel against Jesus of Nazareth is concerned, you will not find any dignified Jew indulging in such perversities, which when they took place centuries ago, were a reaction of Jewish suffering to Christian oppression. It is obvious to all respectable Rabbinic leadership that such libel is contemptible and condemnable.

I conclude with the prayer that the Almighty and All-Merciful will enlighten all humanity to live in respect for the life and dignity of all people.

We think that the above correspondence show us light of hope and inspiration to move forward to remove impediments in the way of implementing the agreed Two State Solution.

With best wishes and best regards to all.


Kazi Azizul Huq
(ibn Abdulhuq ibn Izzatullah ibn Abdulhamid)

Founder Convener, CIRB-Hezbollah cirb.hezbollah@gmail.com
International Affairs Secretary, Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon khelafat@dhaka.net
Advisor, Islamic Democratic Party (Organization led by veterans of Afghan War of Liberation from soviet Occupation)
Team Leader, Human Rights Forum info.hrf@gmail.com

24/A, Joar Shahara (Olipara), Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh
Cell: 01819-407963. Tel/Fax:+880-2-8411436 E-mail: kahuq@dhaka.net

From: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin" < >
To: "Mr.Faik Hamza" < >,"K A Huq" < >
Cc: "H.E.Chief Rabbi David Rosen" < >,
"HRH King Abdulllah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud" < >,
"H.E.Seyed Ali Khamenei" < >
Subject: Re: Fw: Jewish point of view for consideration
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 06:30:49 -0500

Dear Brother Huq,

Shalom Aleichem!

Let us be clear-headed about something. I know you will recall the days we spent together in Dhaka in 2007 and especially are hours-long dialogue. Brother, it is no secret that both of us began that conversation with many suspicions about one another and perhaps even doubts about each other's sincerity. We also disagreed on many specific issues that arose during that dialogue.

But during the course of that afternoon, respect replaced suspicion and doubt; and we "agreed to disagree." We recognized that as a believing Muslim and a believing Jew, we ultimately had more in common than we had in conflict. It led to further dialogue, further understanding, further mutual respect; and a genuine and heartfelt brotherhood between the two of us. It no doubt contributed to both of us taking public action in support of one another's peoples: you, for instance, publicly called for dropping Bangladesh's travel ban to Israel; I stood publicly and passionately defended Islam against those otherwise allies who see it as the root cause of the world's troubles; and we both stood for justice and each other more than once, too.

We continue to hold differing positions on certain issues, but instead of using that as an excuse to demonize one another and end dialogue; those differences only reinforce to us that we need to have more dialogue, of course based on the same level of mutual respect. Baruch Ha-Shem!

Our relationship also began with and flourishes within the soil of our individual strength of belief and defense of our own faiths and peoples as well.

There is a belief--that I share--which says it took two old warriors, two men with impeccable credentials as defenders of their faith and people, to take a giant step toward peace in the Middle East. In fact, Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat took the single most important stride toward Middle East peace to date. Sadat was a decorated soldier who won his medals fighting Israel; Begin was the first Israeli Prime Minister from the Nationalist camp. Both were unreserved champions of their peoples. Yet, it was these two men who forged the longest lasting and most significant peace agreement in the sad history of the Middle East. Anwar Sadat broke a taboo in coming to Israel for the cause of peace; Menachem Begin risked his political life by uprooting Jewish communities in the Sinai. Both men remained strong in their beliefs but were able to see beyond them to what is the greater good.

I had wondered if dialogue with Mr. Hamza could produce similar results. Perhaps he is not used to genuine opposition, as opposed to phony friendship. But in the end, he advocates the elimination of the Jewish State of Israel and is implacable. He insists on demonizing the Jewish people again and again. He allows no space in which understanding can be reached--in complete contradiction to you and many other Believing Muslims I have the pleasure of knowing. He has essentially called you, my brother, a fool for engaging in honest dialogue with me. Can I be passionate in defense of my people? Of course, and I expect the same from you and others with whom I dialogue. As we both agreed, only that level of honesty can produce productive dialogue such as the sort you and I have had.

Mr. Hamza's intransigence, on the other hand is precisely what is standing in the way of any resolution of the Middle East conflict. He demands only total victory for one side (his). His absolutist position destroys the very purpose of dialogue or a peace process. His insistence on ideology over fact is what has kept and will continue to keep his people in a degraded state where they cannot see any cause for their problems that is not attributable to someone else. And that is a shame. Not only does that insure continued conflict, but it also stunts the development of his people and their children.

So, brother, I agree that the dialogue between Mr. Hamza and me has not been productive, and it likely will not be productive no matter how long it continues. But I would caution against drawing a parallel or moral equivalence between us. I believe I have earned my stripes in that regard, being a passionate Jew and Zionist, yet also a passionate defender of Muslims and opponent of those who would defame Islam. What has Mr. Hamza shown us?

Dr. Richard L. Benkin

Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 22:59:42 +0700
To: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin"< >,"Mr.Faik Hamza"< >
From: K A Huq < >
Subject: Re: Fw: Jewish point of view for consideration
Cc: "H.E.Chief Rabbi David Rosen" < >,
"HRH King Abdulllah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud" < >,
"H.E.Seyed Ali Khamenei" < >

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Dear Brother Richard,

Assalamu Alaykum.

1. We re-iterate that when we call for removing impediments in the way of implementing the agreed Two State Solution - we want both Israel and Palestine to be viable but non-belligerent states entering into long-term no-war agreements with each other.

2. We continue to uphold that believer Muslims and believer Jews ultimately have more in common than have in conflict.

3. We think that it will be unwise to permanently shut any window for discussion and consultation to improve the situation and mutual acceptability for common good. All of us have to try not to be too angry that we fail to choose good encouraging words in our discussion that Allah loves.

With best wishes and best regards.



kazi Azizul Huq (ibn Abdulhuq ibn Izzatullah ibn Abdulhamid)
Cell: 01819-407963. Tel: 8411436. Fax: +880-2-8411436
E-mail: kahuq@dhaka.net

From: Faik Hamza < >
To: K A Huq
Subject: RE: Jewish point of view for consideration
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 01:53:31 +0000

I never called Mr. Huq a fool, I rether believe that Mr. Huq has all the rights to present his own views, he can call to lift the ban on Bangladeshi people to travel any ware they like to.

Mr. Huq gave me a phone call requesting me not to reply to Dr. Richard slang, which was on respond to my demand return to my home at the north of Palestine, if you go back to our conversation , no ware you will find that i have defamed Muslims or Jewish people or even Israel, rather i have asked Dr. Richard to come and live among us in peace if Dr. Richard is a Jewish and Zionist, well i am a Palestinian refugee, who lost every things. who is injustice put on him, and who is demanding his rights back, is that extreme, and war did I defamed my people and their children, and in which way, I did not gave up their right of return, I did not submit to the occupation, I did not , I will not ever give up the idea of North Palestine, if Dr. Richard have ideas about how to solve the problem of Palestine and how to do real justice, and of course he can represent all the Jewish people in the world let him come forward in put his clear plans who knows maybe i am wrong the gentleman meant really business

From: "Dr. Richard L. Benkin" < >
To: "K A Huq"
Cc: rosend
Subject: Re: RE: Jewish point of view for consideration
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 14:01:04 -0500

Dear Brother Huq,
Shalom Aleichem.

Movement is always good; but looking at Mr. Hamza's reply, I am not sure he is showing any. In fact, he did berate you for even talking to me. Nor did he show any movement on his position but only denied what he said was indeed what he said. (Do I have to include copies of his emails and statements? Or do we realize he knows what he said?)

Moreover, he follows the same disingenuous line of "negotiation" that his cohorts do. Notice he said he would talk to me if I had a solution--and represented all the Jews in the world!!!!! Gee, do you think that was a genuine offer? It is ironic, though, that the Arabs demand Israel negotiate, make concessions, etc., when the people they want Israel to negotiate with cannot even represent all the Palestinian factions--let alone all the Arabs and Muslims. But evidently, only we should see that as an obligation on us.

In fact, I will issue the following challenge to Mr. Hamza. If negotiators can guarantee that they will reign in all Arabs, Muslims, and Islamists and stop them from continuing their war against Israel once a deal is struck, he will have broken the barrier to productive negotiations.

Dr. Richard L. Benkin

----- Original Message -----
From: K A Huq
To: drrbenkin
Cc: rosend@
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:13 AM
Subject: Fwd: RE: Jewish point of view for consideration

Dear Brother Richard,

Assalamu Alaykum.

I am forwarding to you the last mail I have received from Mr. Faik Hamza. He probably forgot to keep copy of his mails of 2007.

I find improvement in Palestinian position as follows:-

(a) he has no objection to our call to Bangladesh Government to lift ban on travel to Israel;

(b) now he agrees that Jews and Zionists can be citizens of proposed State of Palestine.

With slight correction of spelling I have attached the file of our recent correspondence initiated from your views which we put under the title "Jewish point of view for consideration".

With best wishes and best regards.


Your Brother,

Kazi Azizul Huq

From: Faik Hamza <>
To: Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon
Subject: RE: LINK to Muslim-Jews Dialogue in August 2009
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 05:42:31 +0000
ArrivalTime: 22 Aug 2009 05:42:31.0672

Mr. Huq

I like to make it clear

1- I no where i agreed for you to Bangladesh leave ban on Bangladeshi travel to Israel, I said it is ur right to demand lifting travel of Bangladeshi to travel any where, simply because you are Bangladeshi, it is a matter between you and your Government, I do nothing to do with it, and i do not interfere in it.

2- i stand by my call the Palestinian state is open for all religions, so Mr. Richard welcome to live in Palestine in peace

faik hamza

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 13:43:03 +0700
To: Faik Hamza <>
From: Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon <>
Subject: RE: LINK to Muslim-Jews Dialogue in August 2009
Cc: "HRH King Abdulllah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud"<>,
"H.E.Chief Rabbi David Rosen" <>,
"H.H. Pope Benedict XVI" <>,
"H.H.Grand Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei"<>,
"HRH King Abdullah"<>,
"Palestine Embassy" <>,
"Dr.Richard L.Benkin"<>,....

Saturday, 22 August 2009.

To: Mr. Faik Hamza, Palestine Embassy, Dhaka.

Cc: To Whom It May Concern

RE: LINK to Muslim-Jews Dialogue in August 2009

Mohtaram Mr.Hamza,

Assalamu Alaykum.

By your mail it is re-confirmed that you have no objection to our persuasion of Bangladesh Government to lift ban on travel to Israel.

Best regards,

Kazi Azizul Huq
International Affairs Secretary
Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon

From: Faik Hamza <>
To: Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon
Subject: RE: LINK to Muslim-Jews Dialogue in August 2009
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 05:11:04 +0000

No Mr. Huq what i said is clear, since u represent your self, since you have freedom to say what you like to say,
you can call on your Govt. to lift ban on Bangladeshi travel to any where, I did not point out (Israel), I want to say i am not concerned about what you called for, and this issue is yours with your Govt., I did not dictate you not to say what you want to say, and I did not dictate the Govt. to take action if this against its declared policy, i do have nothing to support or not to support your call,

Mr. Huq, you must understand that i am the victim here, I am who lost his home land to the murderer of the Zionist organizations and the alien Jewish people who immegrated to my home, i am not against the Palestinian Jews, yesterday one of them was elected member of our al-Fateh revolutionary council,

and back to the weekly Blitz, just justify for me , the Bangladeshi action , war of liberation, 1971, ware Bangladeshi terrorists, how do those people think the way to go back to my home , we are fighting , to regain our freedom, according to the international legitimacy, its right given to us by the UN, now anybody who is ignorant about this can go back to the UN resolutions and read and learn, that we are not terrorists seeking destruction of any one, but freedom fighters seeking to return to our homeland.

now as we are discussing the situation of our Palestinian people at North of Palestine, i do not like to go for details, but for the latest call of the Jewish Govt. which demanding us to recognize it as a Jewish state, do you know what that means, its hinting on very soon the Govt. is going to transfer all the Palestinians from north of Palestine to Gaza and west bank.

What i Suggest is Mr. Huq to open direct contact with Arab members of Knesset, who will be glad to give you the real picture of the Palestinian daily life and the danger they face.

then if the occupation is so kind, tell what the occupation did in Gaza Strip from 1967 till 2004, what progress they did,
the camps remained as its in poverty, who did the occupation improve the life of the people, and most important how did any body think that the occupation so willing to hand over Gaza to the PA, yes they did after making the place opened for drugs, and arm smuggling, they have planted all obstacle in front the PA, and most important they have arrange to bring Hamas to the power, and successed to push the Palestinian to side of civil war.

Mr. huq if you want the facts, our struggle is not against the Jewish people, we do have no conflict with them, the problem is Palestine is occupied, our people are denied their rights to return, self determination and establishment of their independent state with Al Quds as its capital, and i think to stand on all the facts, I suggest you to form a FACTS FINDING COMMITTEE, let the committee go there and find out who is who, and what is the situation really is, and what is the facts really are

thank you

Dt: Wednesday, August 26, 2009.
To: Mr. F.Hamza, Palestine Embassy, Dhaka.
Cc: To Whom It May Concern
Re: Muslim-Jews Dialogue : Your mail dtd 23 Aug.2009

Assalamu Alaykum.

We have published your comment dated 23 Aug.2009 in our blog. Please check the link:

It is the policy of Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon to support the struggle for liberation of Palestine from Israeli occupation, and liberation of Afghanistan & Iraq from British & American occupation.

Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon recognizes just struggles to liberate Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq from foreign occupation as liberation movements; and those who are engaged in the just struggles are freedom fighters.

Our policy is compliant with Bangladesh Constitution Article-25.1(c) which reads as follows:-

25.1 The State shall base its international relations on the principles of respect for national sovereignty and equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, peaceful settlement of international disputes, and respect for international law and the principles enunciated in the United Nations Charter, and on the basis of those principles shall ..(c) support oppressed peoples throughout the world waging a just struggle against imperialism, colonialism or racialism.


Kazi Azizul Huq
International Affairs Secretary


[Previous correspondences 1st - 3rd August 2007]

1 August 2007 from Palestine Embassy to Kazi Azizul Huq
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 14:40:58 +1100
From: Palestine Embassy < >
To: Kazi Azizul Huq
Subject: Palestine Embassy, Dhaka

Dear Mr. Huq

with my best regards, I would like to bring to your kind notice

1- Palestine Embassy in Dhaka represent all of the Palestinian people headed by their legitimate Democratically elected President H. E. Mr. Mahmoud Abbas and further more the Embassy has nothing to do with any group Fateh or Hamas, since it extend help for any Palestinian.

2- The PA works under the umbrella of PLO which represented here at Bangladesh by Palestine Embassy.

3- when we send you files, we stand by it without fear of Mr. Rabi or any other criminal Jews you are intend to establish talk with them, do not you understand from their reply that they consider you as Muslim stupid who listen to them, do you know that Mr. Rabi is responsible for killing hundreds of Palestinians women, Children and old people through helping the killers of Israel Govt.

4- Mr. Huq you should know that Mr. Rabi represent those Jews who raped Musa Alihe assalm’s sister and tried to kill him they are the same people who tried to kill our Profit Mohammad Peace be upon him

5- be sure that if a wild, like lion or tiger change their nature, then Mr. Rabi will do the same, and will never do as long as Israel occupy Palestine.

6- The only solution is to send back the alien Jews to their countries out of Palestine, and allow the Palestinians at Diaspora to return to their homes and let them determined their future on their occupied soil, things which I challenged Mr. Rabi and who he represent to do.

Faik Hamza
Palestine Embassy

1 August 2007 from Kazi Azizul Huq to Palestine Embassy

Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 11:52:10 +0600
To: "Palestine Embassy, Dhaka" < >, < >
From: Kazi Azizul Huq
Subject: Re: Palestine Embassy, Dhaka

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Dhaka, Wednesday 01 August 2007.

To: H.E. Ambassador, Palestine Embassy, Dhaka.
Att: Mr. Faik Hamza, Counsellor.

Cc: H.E. Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed, CEO, Gov't of Bangladesh
H.E. Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Rahbar, IR Iran.
H.E. King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, KSA.
H.E. Prime Minister Euhud Olmert, Isreal.
H.E. King Abdullah II, Jordan
H.E. Secretary General, OIC, Jeddah.
H.E. Secretary General, United Nations, New York.
H.E. Secretary, Department of State, Washington D.C.
Foreign Secretary, GoB, Dhaka.
H.E. Ambassador of KSA, Dhaka.
Cultural Counsellor, Embassy of IR Iran, Dhaka.
Cultural Counsellor, Pakistan High Commission, Dhaka.
H.E. Chief Rabbi David Rosen KCSG,

Re: Mail dated 1 August 2007 from Palestine Embassy, Dhaka.

Assalamu Alaikum.

We acknowledge receipt of your above ref mail.
Expression of your anger is human and natural from the representative of a nation wiped out from their legitimate homeland and made stateless. But your comments are not indicative of righteousness, piety and any practical solution.

One can not solve problems by blaming others. We ethnic Muslims are stabbing each other on the back. We ethnic Muslims have deviated from the Path of Piety & Righteousness and have chosen to ignore Divine Scripture, Prophetic Mission and Human Experience. Our Iranian revolutionaries talked so much about the Divine Mission of the United Ummah. But in practice they welcomed US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Faith and Righteousness is more important today than religious ethnicity. Our Holy Prophet (Sallallahoalaihissalam) taught us not to blame the son for the offence of father. It is not correct to blame all Jews for the wrongs of a few Jew in earlier times. Is it piety for any Muslim to call the Jews sons of pigs and apes? Is it the teaching of our Holy Prophet (SM)?

Our Holy Prophet (Sm) migrated from Makkah to Yathrib (Medina) on the invitation and consent of those most of who were friendly Jews and Pagans. At that time there were less than 500 Muslims in Yathrib (Medina) while the population of Yathrib (Medina) was nearly 10,000 - about fifty percent Jews and fifty percent Pagans. Those majority Jews and Pagans agreed Hazrat Muhammad ibn Abdullah (Sm) to become the political leader and administrator of the City State of Medina and Holy Prophet (Sm) guaranteed their rights and status by Medina Charter which called all citizens of Medina irrespective of religion as "Ummah". On the other hand, Holy Prophet (Sm)'s own relatives and tribe in Makkah were called "Kafir" not because they were idol-worshippers but because they were enemies.

By the Grace of Almighty Allah, though we are apparently weak and poor yet we are steadfast under Guidance & Blessings of Allah and spiritual support of the Holy Prophets and righteous saints (Blessings of Allah be upon them all).

We need the support of principled God fearing people irrespective of their ethnic or religious identities. We need the support of Vatican and other non-materialist believer Christians. We need the support of the Monotheist Jewish Clergies who have been holding important heritage of Divine Scriptures and Missions of Prophets of Allah (Blessings of Allah be upon them all). We need the support of non-materialist believer God-fearing Hindus who have been holding important heritage of Divine Scriptures and Missions of Prophets of Allah (Blessings of Allah be upon them all). We need to understand that the vested interests of elitist agnostics and atheists of Europe led by British administration is the prime enemy of Faith, Righteousness and Justice in the world. We need initial unity of Iran-Taleban-GCC. We need unity of HAMAS, Fatah and other important factions. We are already in the midst of the Third World War. All God fearing righteous people irrespective of ethnic religious identity have to come closer and work together to fulfill Divine Will. Our anger is not going to solve our problem. We need to be God fearing, wise and righteously active.

While we appreciate your feelings, we can not but differ with your perception and judgment. May Allah Bless us all with Faith, Peace and Justice.


Sincerely yours,

Kazi Aziz

Kazi Azizul Huq (ibn Abdulhuq ibn Izzatullah ibn Abdulhamid)
International Affairs Secretary, Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon (BKA)
Team Leader, Human Rights Forum (HRF); Founder Convener, CIRB-Hezbollah.

2 August 2007 from Palestine Embassy to Kazi Azizul Huq

Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 00:13:52 +1100
From: Palestine Embassy < >
To: Kazi Azizul Huq
Subject: RE: Palestine Embassy, Dhaka
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 01 Aug 2007 13:13:52.0563 (UTC) FILETIME=[CE7B5030:01C7D43D]

Dear Mr. Huq

I did not express my anger, but the fact which you do not like about the Embassy represents all the Palestinian, you should understand that H E. Abbas is the president of all Palestinian but not a group as u tried to make Mr. Rabbi Understand.

Now we do really know the glorious history of our Islam, and if you did see only the Jews there who opened home for our prophet peace be upon him, then I suggest you go back to the history of those Jews who betrayed each and every agreement our profit sign with them.

not only that but our holy Book the Kuran have enough evidence about the nature of Jews and I do not think that some body like you could term the KURAN as PAST.

I stand by my statement the only solution is let the Jews out of my home and allow me back there.

For you Mr. Huq after all that’s Palestine which occupied by the Jews but not Bangladesh

Faik Hamza
Palestine Embassy

2 August 2007 from Kazi Azizul Huq to Palestine Embassy

Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 19:10:14 +0600
To: "H.E. King Abdulllah Ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud" < >,
"H.E. King Abdullah II, Jordan"< >,
From: Kazi Azizul Huq <>
Subject: Response to your mail of 02 Aug.3007
Cc: "H.E.Prince Saud Al-Faisal" < >

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful.

Dhaka, Thursday, August 02, 2007.

To: H.E. Ambassador, Palestine Embassy, Dhaka.
Att: Mr. Faik Hamza, Counsellor.

Cc: H.E. Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed, CEO, Gov't of Bangladesh
H.E. Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Rahbar, IR Iran.
H.E. King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, KSA.
H.E. Prime Minister Euhud Olmert, Isreal.
H.E. King Abdullah II, Jordan
H.E. Secretary General, OIC, Jeddah.
H.E. Secretary General, United Nations, New York.
H.E. Secretary, Department of State, Washington D.C.
Foreign Secretary, GoB, Dhaka.
H.E. Ambassador of KSA, Dhaka.
Cultural Counsellor, Embassy of IR Iran, Dhaka.
Cultural Counsellor, Pakistan High Commission, Dhaka.
H.E.Chief Rabbi David Rosen KCSG, International Director of Interreligious
Affairs, AJC.and President, the International Jewish Committee for
Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC).

Assalamu Alaikum.

1. We hope Palestinian Embassy will represent the whole Palestinian Nation (including HAMAS) instead of Mr. Abbas only who represents an unpopular faction who are largely responsible for most of the undesirable fratricidal crimes in Gaza until HAMAS took over its control.

2. There are both believers and unbelievers (atheists /agnostics) in almost all the ethnic religious communities of the Books including Muslims, Christians, Jews and Hindus. Almighty Allah has promised that irrespective of religious ethnicity whoever believe in Allah and the Last Day and work righteousness shall have their reward with their Lord.

For your information and study I refer following verses of the Holy Quran.

Almighty Allah Says in the Holy Quran:

Surat No.2 Al Baqarah, Verse No.62
"Those who believe and those who follow the Jewish and the Christians and the Sabeins, any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

Surat No.5 Al Maaida, Verses No.44, 45, 46, 47, 48:-

Verses No.44
It was I who revealed The Torah: therein was guidance and light. By its standard have been judged the Jews, by the Prophets who bowed to Allah's Will, by the Rabbis and the Doctors of Law: for to them was entrusted the protection of Allah's Book, and they were witnesses thereto: therefore fear not men, but fear Me, and sell not My Signs for a miserable price. If any do fail to judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are Unbelievers.

Verses No.45
We ordained therein for them: "Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal." But if any one remit the retaliation by way of charity, it is an act of atonement for himself. And if any fail to judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are wrong-doers.

Verses No.46
And in their footsteps I sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming The Torah that had come before him: I sent him The Gospel: therein was guidance and light; And confirmation of the Torah that had come before him: a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah.

Verses No.47
Let the people of The Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are those who rebel.

Verses No.48
To thee I sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it. and guarding it in safety: so judge between them by what Allah hath revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging from the Truth that hath come to thee. To each among you have I prescribed a Law and an Open Way. If Allah had so willed, He would have made you a single People, but to test you what He hath given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to Allah; it is He that will show you the truth of matters in which you dispute.

3. While we respect your emotions, we do not accept your use of scurrilous language - which is prohibited in our religion. We should compete with others in good deeds, not in sins and bad deeds.

4. Arab leaders and Muslim fighters against Turkey's Muslim ruler were no less responsible for the creation of the State of Israel after the First World War. And it was the failure of the Arabs and the Muslims that Israel could expand beyond her 1948 borders. May be it was the Divine Punishment for fighting against Turkey's Muslim ruler.

Therefore, now we have to find out a practical solution without communal bias.

May Almighty Allah Forgive us all and Bless us with success in the Hereafter as well as in this world. May Allah Bless us with Faith, Peace and Justice for all.


Sincerely yours

Kazi Aziz

Kazi Azizul Huq (ibn Abdulhuq ibn Izzatullah ibn Abdulhamid)
International Affairs Secretary, Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon (BKA)
Team Leader, Human Rights Forum (HRF)
Founder Convener, CIRB-Hezbollah

3 August 2007 from Kazi Azizul Huq to Chief Rabbi David Rosen

Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 5:04 AM
From: Kazi Azizul Huq [ ]
To: H.E. Chief Rabbi David Rosen;
Cc: H.E. Ambassador of Palestine; ........
Subject: Copy of Reply to Palestine Embassy's mail Dtd. 02 Aug.3007

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

To: H.E.Chief Rabbi David Rosen KCSG
International Director of Interreligious Affairs, AJC.
President, the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious
Consultations (IJCIC).

Forwarding Copy of Selected Correspondences between 16 April to 02 August 2007

Cc: Selected Concerned Gov'ts, Authorities, Organizations, Personalities.

Assalamu Alaikum.

We are forwarding to your excellency selected correspondence from April 16 to August 02, 2007.

Kindly make a review and comments for moving forward.

We invoke Blessings of One Omnipotent Merciful Allah for peaceful resolution of the conflicts and Justice for all.

With best regards.
Kazi Aziz

Kazi Azizul Huq (ibn Abdulhuq ibn Izzatullah ibn Abdulhamid)
International Affairs Secretary, Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon (BKA)
Team Leader, Human Rights Forum (HRF)
Founder Convener, CIRB-Hezbollah

3 August 2007 from Chief Rabbi David Rosen to Kazi Azizul Huq
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2007 11:28:03 +0300
From: Sharon Rosen <>
Subject: Response in keeping with your request for comment
To: 'Kazi Azizul Huq' <>
Cc: "'H.E. Ambassador of Palestine'" < >,...

Your Excellency,

Allow me to express my admiration for the manner in which you have addressed the issues that have been raised in this correspondence. Naturally there will be matters upon which we disagree, but I believe that the integrity and desire for honest enquiry and discussion that you demonstrate, reflect the most noble values of Islam. If we were all to employ these qualities in our relations with one another, we would be able to resolve all conflicts. Insh'Allah, your example will inspire others in all our communities to follow this path.

In response to Your Excellency's request for my comments on the correspondence below; other than the above, I respond from my own Tradition as follows:-

Judaism teaches that all human and dignity are sacrosanct and accordingly murder of any human being is the most heinous of crimes (Genesis 8v.6)

Moreover any act of intentional disrespect to another, let alone murder, is an assault against the Almighty Himself.( Midrash Genesis Rabbah 24,8;see also Sifri on Leviticus 19v.18)

Judaism teaches us that the essential Divine Attributes of Mercy and Justice oblige us to behave accordingly (Exodus 34 v.6,7; Midrash Canticles Rabbah,3)

It teaches that the goal of Torah (the Divine revelation to Moses) is Peace (Talmud Gittin 50b and 61a; see Maimonides' Code, Hilchot Melachim (Laws of Kings), 10:12) and that murder,theft and lying towards non-Jews are even worse than doing so to Jews, because they involve an additional desecration of the Divine Name (Seder Eliahu Rabbah; Sefer Mitzvoth Gadol, 167d).

Judaism teaches that all the pious/righteous of the nations of the world have their portion in the World to Come, i.e. share in Paradise ( see Maimonides' Code, Hilchot Teshuvah (Laws of Repentance), 3:5, based on the Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin.)

This applies especially to pious/righteous Muslims, as Judaism recognizes Islam as pure ethical monotheism (e.g. Maimonides, Responsa No. 448; Rabbi Menachem Hameiri, Bet Habechirah, Avodah Zarah; Netanel Ibn Fayummi "Bustan al-Oukoul" )

I conclude by stating the conviction of the overwhelming majority of believing religious/observant Jews, that the establishment of the State of Israel is a demonstration of the Almighty All-Compassionate's fidelity to His promise (Exodus 6v.4; Leviticus 26 v.42,45; Deuteronomy 30v.3-5) the hope for which has been sustained by the vision of the ancient Prophets concerning the reestablishment and revivification of the life of the People of Israel in that land.

Jews have always lived in the Holy Land, even when Christian forces (such as the Byzantines and the Crusaders) kept Jews out of Jerusalem (Of course the situation was very different and very much better, under Islam.) The State of Israel is simply a political mechanism to enable us to maintain in security and prosperity, our collective bond with the land of our ancestors, in keeping with the Divine mandate.

As I have indicated to His Excellency, this could have been achieved in a peaceful and productive way for all the inhabitants of this region (as witnessed in the joint statement signed by the Emir Faisel and Dr.Weizman in 1919.) It is a tragedy for all, that conflict ensued; and while there were, have been and still are, victims on all sides, undoubtedly the Palestinians have been the greatest victims of this and their plight has been widely exploited, not least of all within the Arab world itself. However we must work to bring an end to conflict; live in peace with one another; establish a sovereign Palestinian state living peacefully alongside the State of Israel; and find the way to compensate those Palestinians whose loss can not be restored.

May the Most Merciful enlighten us to follow this path in accordance with His paths of Peace, Justice, Mercy and Love for all,
Yours Faithfully,

David Rosen

Chief Rabbi David Rosen, KCSG
International Director of Interreligious Affairs, American Jewish Committee (AJC)
Chair, the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC),
tel:+972-2-6255281 fax:+972-2-6256527