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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Support to Vatican Move on Prohibition of Cluster Bombs

Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2008 08:37:49 +0600
To: "H.E. Rev. Archbishop Dominique Mamberti", av@pccs.va,
From: Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon
Subject: Convention Prohibiting Cluster Munitions.
Cc: feedback@pmo.gov.bd,dr-ahmadinejad@president.ir,info@leader.ir,  webmaster@shura.gov.sa, comments@whitehouse.gov, usdeptstate@mailnj.custhelp.com,

Dt: Dhaka, Friday, 05 December 2008.
To : H.E. Rev. Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, Secretary for Relations with States, Vatican.

Assalamu Alaykum.

We are happy and pleased to confirm our support and endorsement to your ratification of the Convention prohibiting the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions.

Vatican under the current Pope H.H. Benedict XVI has once again courageously spearheaded its principled position in support of peace and Divine values.

We specially thank your excellency for organizing and representing the Vatican in this good work.

With best wishes and best regards.

Sincerely yours,

Kazi Azizul Huq
for Hafez Maulana Hamidullah ibn Hafezzi Huzur
Senior Deputy Amir and Nazim
Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon
314/2, J.N. Shah Road (Lalbagh Kellar Morr), Dhaka-1211, BANGLADESH.
Tel: 7320078, 8612465, 01819-407963, Fax:+880-2-9881436 , E-mail: khelafat@dhaka.net

12.04.2008 - Eighteenth Year - Num. 219
VATICAN CITY, 4 DEC 2008 (VIS) - Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, secretary for Relations with States yesterday participated in a ceremony, held in Oslo, Norway, to sign a Convention prohibiting the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions, the text of which was approved on 30 May in Dublin, Ireland.

  In his address, Archbishop Mamberti stated that "in order to send out a powerful political signal, the Holy See is ratifying this Convention on the same day as the signing. In the first place we wish to express to victims the human proximity of the Holy See and its institutions. We also wish to launch an appeal to States - especially to the producers, exporters and potential consumers of cluster munitions - to join the current signatories, so as to assure victims, and all countries gravely affected by these arms, that their message has been understood.

  "Credible security is not only possible, but actually more effective, when it is based on co-operation, on trust and on a just international order", while "order founded on the balance of power is fragile, unstable and a source of conflict", the archbishop added.

  The head of the Holy See delegation to the Oslo ceremony then indicated that "through contributions on everyone's part, the house of peace is now stronger, yet perseverance and patience are indispensable for its consolidation".

  An English-language declaration accompanying Archbishop Mamberti's speech states that "in ratifying the Convention ... the Holy See desires to encourage the entire international community to be resolute in promoting effective disarmament and arms control negotiations and in strengthening international humanitarian law by reaffirming the pre-eminent and inherent value of human dignity, the centrality of the human person, and the 'elementary considerations of humanity', all of which are elements that constitute the basis of international humanitarian law.

  "The Holy See considers the Convention on cluster munitions an important step in the protection of civilians during and after conflicts, from the indiscriminate effects of this inhumane type of weapon", the text adds.

  "The Holy See", the document concludes, "considers the implementation of the Convention as a legal and humanitarian challenge for the near future. An effective implementation should be based on constructive co-operation of all governmental and non governmental actors and should reinforce the link between disarmament and development. This can be done by directing human and material resources towards development, justice and peace, which are the most effective means to promote international security and a peaceful international order".



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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Divine Heritage : Article From an American Jew

Yom Kippur

By Dr. Richard L. Benkin


Yom Kippur, in English “the Day of Atonement,” is considered by most Jews to be the holiest day of the year.  Together, Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur are known to Jews as the High Holidays.  Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and the ten intervening days (often called the Ten Days of Repentance); are a time when Jews everywhere are to consider their actions during the past year and think about how to be better people in the coming year.  It is not only the Jewish people who act, however, but the Jewish God, as well.


A common greeting on Rosh Hashanah is “May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for a sweet year.”  Jews believe that on Rosh Hashanah, God writes everybody’s name down for either another year of life or for death.  Jews have a chance to change God’s decree by what they do during the High Holiday period.  Because God might inscribe His judgment on Rosh Hashanah, but He does not seal it until Yom Kippur.


In the Torah, the Jewish holy book, God commands Moses to tell the Hebrew people, “In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe complete rest, a sacred occasion commemorated with loud blasts.  You shall not work at your occupations.”  That is the origin of Rosh Hashanah, and it is why Jews are to do no work on that day.  Instead, they are to devote themselves to prayer and contemplation; to reflect on their behavior over the past twelve months and how it might seem in the eyes of God.  Traditional Jews spend most of the day in the synagogue.  As for Yom Kippur, the Torah tells us that God said, “Mark, the tenth day of the seventh month is the Day of Atonement.  It shall be a sacred occasion for you; you shall practice self-denial…you shall do no work throughout that day.”


The point for us on both holy days is that we are to set aside this time, not work or engage in our common leisure activities and such.  Traditional Jews do not even kindle fires or any kind or use electricity.  God wants us to do that so our entire beings are turned toward the meaning of the holidays.  In the above quote from the Torah, we are told to “practice self-denial” on Yom Kippur.  That has come to mean fasting, and Yom Kippur is one of seven fast days on the Jewish calendar. But Judaism suffers from the same problem other religions suffer from these days; most people observe it only marginally.  But the vast majority of Jews observe the High Holidays.  So, Yom Kippur is by far the most observed of the fast days.


Contrary to what some people think, however, the purpose of fasting is not punishment or repentance.  Judaism has no tradition of such things.  God does not want us to withdraw from the pleasurable things he has provided us.  (That is why, for instance, many religious Jews will have sex with their wives every week on the Shabbat to celebrate the miracles that God creates for us.)  The reason we fast (or “practice self-denial”) is so we are not distracted from the gift that God has given us for the day—that if we are truly introspective, we have a chance to soften His judgment.  But what a wonderful gift.  God has relieved us of our worldly burdens for the day so we can take that time to examine ourselves and become better people.


Our prayers tell us that we can soften God’s decree with “repentance, prayer, and charity.”  The Hebrew word for repentance is tshuva, which really means “return.”  In the Jewish religion, repentance is not about saying you are sorry—although sometimes that is necessary—but it is about returning to the way God wants us to be.  Just words are not enough; it takes action.  So if we show this between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, God will see it.  Even if we have not yet done it, but it is in our hearts and we will do it, God sees that, too.  Repentance for Jews is about returning to God.  Prayer can be offered with the lips only but no heart.  That is the case in all religions.  God, however, can tell the difference (we simple people can never expect to fool Him).  If we offer prayers from the heart, God will listen; but if our prayer is false and our hearts are set on continued misbehavior, God will see that, too.  The Hebrew word for charity is tzedekah, which means “righteousness.”  In the Jewish tradition, giving charity is only doing what is demanded of us.  If we are wealthy, we should help those in need; most importantly, we should help them help themselves.  If we are safe, we should help those who are in danger.  If we are strong, we should help the weak.  As much as we give to others in these situations, they are giving to us because they allow us to act as God wants us to act.  But it must be done with a true spirit of righteousness, understanding that it is the correct thing to do in God’s eyes, or it means little.


God also tells us that we can come to Him and ask for His forgiveness, and he can grant it.  But, he tells us, for sins that man commits against God, God can grant forgiveness.  For sins that a man commits against his fellow man, God cannot grant forgiveness.  We must get that forgiveness from the man against whom we have trespassed.  That is a wonderful value because it recognizes that if we have wronged another, true tshuva can come only when we have taken the actions that brought us closer (returned us) to our fellow man.  We cannot wrong another and expect to be forgiven without making things right with that other person.


Because the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, all observances begin at sundown the evening before the day of the observance; and they end at sundown on the day of the observance.  So, in 2008, the Jewish date of 10 Tishre, on which Yom Kippur falls, corresponds to the date of October 9.  That means Yom Kippur begins at sundown on October 8 and ends at sundown on October 9.  At that moment, in every congregation all over the world, the great shofar or ram’s horn is sounded as it was in ancient days at our Temple in Jerusalem, letting all Jews know that the time of the observance is over, that God has sealed our fates, and that it is now up to each of us to go forth in the world and live in accordance with the moral principles that God has set down for us and which are now in our hearts.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Dt: DHAKA, Saturday, 12 July 2008.

To: H.R.H. King Abdulllah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, Saudi Arabia.

Cc: H.E. Rev. Chief Rabbi David Rosen, Director of AJC, Chairman of IJCIC, Israel.
  H.E. Rev. Pope Benedict XVI, Vatican.
  H.E.Rev.Ayatollah Syed Ali Khamenie, Rahbar, IR Iran.
  H.E. Rev. Maulana Hafez Hamidullah, Secretary General, BKA.
  Dr. Richard L. Benkin, Interfaith Strength, USA.
  Mr. Salahuddin Shoaib Choudhury, Editor, Weekly Blitz.
  Maulana Sheikh Abdus Salam, Convener, Islamic Democratic Party (IDP) 
  Mr.Sanjeeb Chowdhury, Chairman, Human Rights Forum.
  To Whom It May Concern

Re: Interfaith Conference Sponsored by KSA in Madrid July 16-18

Asslamu Alaykum.

We welcome the Saudi initiative to hold a major Interfaith Conference in Madrid July 16-18. We are thankful to Allah Almighty that the Dialogues of which we are also an important component have started yielding result. 

We urge the believers to take care that the evil quarters of atheists, agnostics, racists, perverts and materialists do not infiltrate these Dialogues to ruin its Divine purposes. Interfaith Conferences of the adherents of the Abrahamic Faiths must also be aimed to strengthen the Unity of the Believers particularly of the Monotheists worldwide. Those who are known to be promoter of anti-Faith agenda and homosexuality should not be allowed to sit in such conference as dignitaries and decision makers. 

May Allah Bless the mankind with Faith & Obedience to Allah, to His revealed Divine Scriptures and to the Heritage & Missions of His Messengers.

With best wishes and best regards.
Kazi Azizul Huq 
(ibn Abdulhuq ibn Izzatullah ibn Abdulhamid)

International Affairs Secretary, Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon (BKA). 

Cell: 01819-407963 Tel: 9881436
Fax: +880-2-9881436 E-mail: khelafat@dhaka.net, kahuq@dhaka.net

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Naya Digonto Story Against US and Israel

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

DHAKA, 2 July 2008.

To: Mr. Mir Quasem Ali,
       The Daily Naya Digonto
       Motijheel, Dhaka.

Assalamu Alaykum. 

Today in the front page of Nayadigonto On-line edition I read read the report by Mr. Murshidul Alam Chowdhury regarding Zionist Propaganda Against Bangladesh.

We are forwarding to you following materials for your review:-

1. Letter to Chief Advisor Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed dtd 12-Feb-2007
2. Letter to Saudi King dtd 13-May-2007 
3. Muslim-Jews Dialogue upto 09-06-2007
4. Muslim-Jews Dialogue on Palestine Issue
5. Medina Charter
6. Last Sermon of the Holy Prophet SAWS
7. Commandments (613) Believed and obeyed by Jews
8. Muslim-Jews early history

We have found that neither the Zionists nor the Americans are the real enemy of the Believers and the Muslims. The actual enemy of Believers and Muslims are European racists and atheists led by British vested quarters who have been secretly fueling Muslim-Jews hatred and conflict.  

Probably about 50 percent ethnic Muslims of Bangladesh today do not even know the very Qalimah without which one can not be counted as a Muslim, while more than 50 percent ethnic Christian population of USA make prayer to God before taking their food. US Government continues to inscribe on its Dollar "In God we trust". People may criticize but they declare proudly that they are Believers in God. May be this is why they continue to be the leader of the world. Because US Government agrees Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Choice including Religious Freedom, Muslim preachers enjoy the freedom to convert Americans to Islam. 

There are both believers and unbelievers (atheists /agnostics) in almost all the ethnic religious communities of the Books including Muslims, Christians, Jews and Hindus. Almighty Allah has promised that irrespective of religious ethnicity whoever believe in Allah and the Last Day and work righteousness shall have their reward with their Lord.

Arab leaders and Muslim fighters against Turkey's Muslim ruler were no less responsible for the creation of the State of Israel after the First World War. And it was the failure of the Arabs and the Muslims that Israel could expand beyond her 1948 borders. May be it was the Divine Punishment for fighting against Turkey's Muslim ruler. 

One can not solve problems by blaming others. We ethnic Muslims are stabbing each other on the back. We ethnic Muslims have deviated from the Path of Piety & Righteousness and have chosen to ignore Divine Scripture, Prophetic Mission and Human Experience. Our Iranian revolutionaries talked so much about the Divine Mission of the United Ummah. But in practice they welcomed US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. 
Faith and Righteousness is more important today than religious ethnicity. Our Holy Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihi Wa Sallam) taught us not to blame the son for the offence of father. It is not correct to blame all Jews for the wrongs of a few Jew in earlier times. Is it piety for any Muslim to call the Jews sons of pigs and apes? Is it the teaching of our Holy Prophet (SM)? 
Our Holy Prophet (SAWS) migrated from Makkah to Yathrib (Medina) on the invitation and consent of those most of who were friendly Jews and Pagans. At that time there were less than 500 Muslims in Yathrib (Medina) while the population of Yathrib (Medina) was nearly 10,000 - about fifty percent Jews and fifty percent Pagans. Those majority Jews and Pagans agreed Hazrat Muhammad ibn Abdullah (SAWS) to become the political leader and administrator of the City State of Medina and Holy Prophet (SAWS) guaranteed their rights and status by Medina Charter which called all citizens of Medina irrespective of religion as "Ummah". On the other hand, Holy Prophet (SAWS)'s own relatives and tribe in Makkah were called "Kafir" not because they were idol-worshippers but because they were enemies.  
We need the support of principled God fearing people irrespective of their ethnic or religious identities. We need the support of Vatican and other non-materialist believer Christians. We need the support of the Monotheist Jewish Clergies who have been holding important heritage of Divine Scriptures and Missions of Prophets of Allah (Blessings of Allah be upon them all). We need the support of non-materialist believer God-fearing Hindus who have been holding important heritage of Divine Scriptures and Missions of Prophets of Allah (Blessings of Allah be upon them all). We need to understand that the vested interests of elitist agnostics and atheists of Europe led by British administration is the prime enemy of Faith, Righteousness and Justice in the world. 

We are already in the midst of the Third World War. All God fearing righteous people irrespective of ethnic religious identity have to come closer and work together to fulfill Divine Will. Our anger and hatred is not going to solve our problem. We need to be God fearing, wise and righteously active. 

With best wishes and best regards.


Kazi Azizul Huq 
(ibn Abdulhuq ibn Izzatullah ibn Abdulhamid)
E-mail: khelafat@dhaka.net


International Affairs Secretary, Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon
Founder Convener, CIRB-Hezbollah
Advisor, Islami Gono Andolon
(Organization led by veterans of Afghan War of Liberation from Soviet Occupation)
Team Leader, Human Rights Forum

Monday, June 30, 2008


Press Release : 28.06.2008

Meeting of Central Executive Committee (Majlish-e-Amela) of BKA Held

Meeting of the Central Executive Committee of Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon [BKA] held on Tuesday, which was presided over by its Secretary General Maulana Hamidullah. In a resolution passed by the Executive Committee, BKA supported the move for holding Local Government Election before the National Election. But BKA reiterated its stand that the whole election process will be useless if ‘Level Playing Field’ is not assured prior to any election for Local or National government.

“BKA believes for making any election beneficial to the country and nation, it is necessary that devout, non-communal and non-egoist persons who may not have money and muscle power but are righteous should get elected as public representatives. The existing electoral system in Bangladesh is rather lamb’s right in choosing butcher”. 

The political changes in Bangladesh of 1/11 would become meaningless if specific reforms are not ensured in the electoral system without which righteous capable candidates having no money and muscle may be defeated by the evil forces of black money and muscle. Elections held without appropriate reforms may bring back the old miscreants thus re-establishing domination and oppression of the privileged over the underprivileged.

Whatever steps the Bangladesh Election Commission has undertaken till date have been more or less in the interest of the privileged oppressors. In our meeting with Mr. Abu Hena when he was Chief Election Commissioner, we proposed specific measure such as: in each electoral area only one poster and only one leaflet containing names and symbols of all the candidates to be printed and distributed by the Election Commission banning any other poster, leaflets, banners, wall-writing, advertisement etc. by candidates or their supporters. Specific reform necessary to bar miscreants and their godfathers, killers, thugs, extortionists, usurers, rapists, drug traffickers and drug addicts, women traffickers and womanizers, homosexuals & perverts, religion haters and atheists from becoming candidate in any local or national election” the BKA Executive Committee Resolution says.
Muhammad Azam Khan
Publicity Secretary, Cell: 01672-960701
Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon

Monday, June 2, 2008

Khelafat's letter to H.E. Pope Benedict XVI

DHAKA, Tuesday, 26 September 2006

To: H.E. Pope Benedict XVI
00120 Via del Pellegrino
Citta del Vaticano, Vatican City,
Rome - Italy


It seems necessary to frankly communicate to your excellency that our Faith in Allah, in His Prophets (including Jesus - Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon him) and in His Revealed Scriptures (including Bible) is unconditional and does not care about any logic created by any human mind or satanic instinct. Our unconditional Faith is that Holy Mother Marium was truly Virgin Mother and no human being ever mate wtih her, and Holy Prophet Jesus was miraculously created by Allah without any father (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon Hazrat Marium and her son Hazrat Isaa i.e. Jesus).

We do not rule out the possibility that any European or American or Israeli vested interests may have blackmailed your excellency and may have used your excellency for provoking confrontation after failure of their conspiracies against Hezbollah and Iran.

When we welcome dialogue, we clearly mean dialogue for peaceful co-existence of cultures - and if possible, to extend a common struggle to defeat materialism and atheism. Our Faith is that we the followers of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon him) are the true followers of all Prophets of Allah including Holy Prophet Jesus and Holy Prophet Moses (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon them). We think that the Christian clerics and community with few exceptions are followers of the cultures created by some monks and monarchs of Europe. They are not really the followers of Holy Prophet Jesus the son of Holy Mother Marium (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon Jesus & Marium).

If our Christian brothers and sisters work "as servants of love and ... 'artisans' of peace" and "witness of blood" for "marking the victory of love over hatred and evil" - may be many of those who falsely claim to be followers of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon him) will be ashamed and be inspired to correct themselves.

We still hope that we shall be able to recover from the unfortunate damage in the inter-community relationship arising out of your unnecessary comments on Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon him) and about the religion Revealed by Allah.

May Allah forgive us all and guide us all to His Path.

Kind regards,
for Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon
Kazi Azizul Huq Ibn Abdul Huq Ibn Izzatullah Ibn Abdul Hamid
Secretary, International Affairs Department


Date: Saturday, 29 Mar 2008 [Published partially in the Asian Tribune 30-3-81]

Sunita Paul (SP): Thanks for sending information regarding your party 'Bangladesh Khelafat Andolan'. If I am not mistaking, English translation of this name stands for 'Bangladesh caliphate Movement'. Do you preach Caliphate State in Bangladesh?

I have gone through several documents available on the net, and the name of your party was mentioned at least in a talk show on Voice of America. It was stated that, Bangladesh Khelafat Andolan supports withdrawal of travel ban on Israel. This is something very unique and exception for me to hear from an Islamic political party. As I know, most of the Islamist and Islamic parties in Bangladesh are against withdrawal of travel ban. In your case, you are very exception. May you kindly elaborate the reason as to why you feel that Bangladesh should lift travel ban on Israel?

Kazi Azizul Huq (KAH): I am attaching herewith soft-copy of selected compilation of our ongoing Muslim-Jews Dialogue. Please specifically read the Appendix Pages 36-39 (BKA Letter to H.E. Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed, Chief Advisor of Bangladesh Government), which we hope will answer much of your inquiries.

The word 'Caliphate' is used in the books of history also to mean the autocratic and imperialistic governments of the Umayyads, Abbasides and Ottoman Turkey. Our understanding of 'Khelafat' is different. We say "Khelafat Ala Minhazin-Nabuwat" i.e. Governance by divine viceroy treading the footsteps of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)."
Our understanding of 'Khelafat' comes from the verse of the Holy Quran wherein Allah says that He decided to create His 'Khalifa' i.e. human specie (Hazrat Adam the First human) on the Earth. By 'Khelafat' we mean that the Governance to be for the human by the human who is obedient to God and knows and practices the Will of God.

(SP): Being an Islamist political party, why Bangladesh Khelafat Andolan also supports lifting travel ban on Israel?

(KAH): Ban on Travel to Israel is not a religious ban. It is a political decision of our state. Since our state policy is to support the Palestinians, our government adopted a policy not to recognize Israel unless Israel leaves all occupied lands and allow Palestinians to have an independent viable Palestinian State. Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon wants the travel ban to be withdrawn since our government should not continue to deny its Muslim & Christian citizens of the right to make pilgrimage to Holy sites in Palestine & Israel.

(SP): Does this travel ban has anything to do with Koran?

(KAH): The Holy Quran does not prohibit Muslims from travelling to any land.

(SP): Why and how you and your party became interested in promoting inter-faith dialogue?

(KAH): Hazrat Hafezzi Huzur (Peace be upon him), the founder of Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon, often recited verses of the Quran wherein Allah says that the whole mankind is the progeny of single pair of parents Hazrat Adam & Hazrat Hawa @Eve (Peace be upon them). He also often said "Muslims are our brethren in Faith while non-Muslims are our kin since we are all children of Adam & Eve (Peace be upon them)". Thus in Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon we have an environment of promoting compassion and generosity among mankind. So we have been trying to resolve our problems with other communities through sincere dialogue and mutual understanding.

(SP): What are the basic principles of Bangladesh Khelafat Andolan in ensuring rights of religious minority?

(KAH): Our Holy Prophet (pbuh) migrated from Makkah to Yathrib (Medina) on the invitation and consent of those most of who were friendly Jews and Pagans. At that time there were less than 500 Muslims in Yathrib (Medina) while the population of Yathrib (Medina) was nearly 10,000 - about fifty percent Jews and fifty percent Pagans. Those majority Jews and Pagans chose Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) to become the political head and administrator of the City State of Medina and Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) guaranteed their rights and status by Medina Charter which called all citizens of Medina irrespective of religion as "Ummah". On the other hand, his own relatives and tribe in Makkah were called "Kafir" not because they were idol-worshippers but because they were enemies. Hazrat Mohammed (pbuh) being the head of a minority religious community was chosen as the Political Head of the State by the majority who did not want to follow the religion of Hazrat Mohammed (pbuh). So while he was the political as well as religious head of the Muslims community, he was only the political head of the majority citizens of Madina who were non-Muslims. From it we can derive the principles and environment of the polity of Khelafat.

(SP): How do you look into the neo aspect of leftist-athiest-Islamist alliance in many countries in the world?

(KAH): Mr. Steve Johnson has recently (26 March 2008) written in the GLOBAL POLITICIAN under the title 'Our ally in war on terror in trouble':-

"So called seculars, who are generally anti-American and pro-Communists are playing important role in fixing strategies for the administration in Dhaka. Because of such interactions between the administration and anti-American lobbies moderate Muslims as well as liberal Islamic parties are in danger." The distinction between 'Islamist' and 'Islamic' is important. 'Islamists' are more concerned with mundane gains that are acquirable in the name of Islam, while 'Islamic' people are more concerted with salvation in the life Hereafter through growing Faith in Allah and discharging duties and obligations in this world. So 'Islamist' are also a sort of materialists like the communists. In Bangladesh leftist-atheist-Islamist alliance is still not that much visible. Rather the Communists here are trying to use US Administration to eliminate both Islamists and Islamic groups. I am not yet much aware of leftist-atheist-Islamist alliance in other countries of the world. I should be grateful if you kindly provide me with materials for study in this regard.

(SP): What are the basic reasons for many of the Bangladeshis to be anti American, anti West and anti Semitic? Who are responsible for such tendency?

(KAH): 6. People of Bangladesh in general dislike Anglo-American Occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. At the same time most of them would like to see their children to go to Europe and US to earn money for solvency. Those who get education from western type schools usually are infected with vices such as ego, selfishness, hatred, revenge, arrogance, cruelty, etc. On the other hand those who get education in traditional religious schools normally learn to get rid of ego, selfishness, hatred, revenge, arrogance, cruelty etc. So, I think, western type general education system in our countries are mainly responsible for it. Anti-Semitism is an European phenomena. But since the creation of Israel and continuous propagation of Jewish oppression of Muslims in Palestine have turned Muslims to be prejudiced against the Jews. Secret British policy seems to be deliberately fueling this confrontation between Muslims and Jews.